
The cornflower, flower of the poets, it is said... Mythology tells us that Cyanos, the child poet, sang the praises of Nature so well that he was transformed into a cornflower by the goddess Flora so that he would be remembered every year. In Russia, we find a similar motif. An old tale explains that a man was seduced by a nymph in the ears of a wheat field. In order not to seduce, not to be seduced anymore, the nymph changed the man into a cornflower.

Among the Celts, the cornflower was considered a protective plant, ensuring the security of homes, food supplies and animals for a whole year, a use that has continued because much later, shepherdesses wove cornflower crowns that, once worn, ensured the tranquility of their flocks.

For a long time, the cornflower was the sole preserve of poets and legend-makers, and was only invited to the heart of medicine shops very late in life.

Its leaves are used to soothe small irritations, especially of the throat, while its flowers are used to lighten the effects of powerful ingredients.

Plant used by the wizards among other things for its capacity to amalgamate the residues of certain potions, a powerful purifier when used at night.

Blueberry does not do well in certain associations, with acanthus for example, which is often used as a stabilizer. Blueberry should be handled for best quality at sunset on days with a waning moon, it generally benefits from being used at night or in the dark. Sunrise and dark moon days are particularly bad for it and it should be avoided in the sun or heat.

Powerful purifier and brings clarity.

Not intended for food consumption.

Sachet of 10 gr

2.90 €