Henna leaves

Henna has a double language, that of seduction and magic through different rituals. Its practice fascinates and enchants our society since the beginning of time. It is an integral part of traditional life...

The use of henna is therefore very old, even if it is most often associated with Islam nowadays.

The ritual that has the most symbolic value remains that of "the night of the henna" dedicated to the wedding ceremony. Henna is one of the trees of paradise for the entire Muslim world. This plant is harvested as soon as it reaches maturity.

It can exceptionally be attributed a dark role in the field of black magic. Henna is full of legends that turn everything into fantastic stories, these beliefs perpetuate the memory of a culture. But, its main virtue is to protect the individual, to form a rampart between the body which is coated with it and these harmful external elements which are the demons, the evil eye or the disease.

Henna is also used as an ornament, and beautifies the person who wears it, thus it increases the feminine seduction and risks attracting the evil eye. The main women who use henna are nourished by popular beliefs, they draw strength and courage from it to face the vicissitudes of the conjugal home.

Henna is a magical bond that protects them, helps them and brings them dreams. Women in particular, have different reasons to protect themselves against the evil eye, revenge, jealousy etc..

There are many rites associated with Henna:

- the marriage rite

- the rite at birth and baptism

Not intended for food consumption.

Bag of 20 gr

3.40 €