Love Uncrossing Candle

To remove all unwanted obstacles in your love life.
It also helps to remove the obstacles related to your difficulties to trust in order to allow love to enter your life. If you have been alone for a long time and you are unable to find love, perhaps there is a blockage that needs to be removed. This spell will open the door to love. This candle spell will also remove any negative magic or bad thoughts that someone may have sent your way.

Ritual procedure included. 

You can choose between the complete kit and the candle alone. The full kit contains the Love Crossing candle, a bottle of florid water, a bottle of lavender water, a 20gr bag of basil, a 30gr bag of frankincense.

What you need :

  • A bowl

  • White or classic lavender water

  • Florida water

  • A letter of intent

  • Sugar

  • One tablespoon of milk

  • Fresh basil leaves

  • White flower petals (chrysanthemums or carnations)

  •  Frankincense or Benzoin

Choose a variant:

Starting at 43.90 €